ACM SenSys 2025 welcomes exciting demonstrations of novel technologies, applications, and hardware for embedded artificial intelligence and sensing systems showing promising early work. We seek participation from both industry and academia for demonstrations. Selection will be based on a short abstract, evaluated based on technical merit and innovation as well as the potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas at the conference. Accepted abstracts will appear in the regular conference proceedings. At least one author of every accepted demonstration is required to register and attend the conference in person. We welcome all topics that align with the SenSys main conference (both long and short papers).
SenSys 2025 demos should focus on the same areas as the main conference (see the main conference's CFP). Works on theoretical foundations, emerging application areas, and novel technologies are encouraged. We welcome submissions from academic, industrial, and government sectors.
Demo abstracts should describe both the technology being showcased as well as the user experience of the demo. All demo abstract submissions must strictly adhere to the formatting guidelines specified below. Tables, power, and wireless connectivity will be provided. If a demo requires additional special arrangements, please describe them clearly in your submission using a separate third page (not part of the technical content of the abstract).
Abstract submissions should be no more than 2 pages and must follow a double-column format. All figures, appendices, and references must fit within this limit. Your submission must be in PDF format with all fonts embedded, and be formatted according to the official ACM Proceedings format. Submissions that do not meet the page limit, size, and formatting requirements will not be reviewed. Word and LaTeX templates are available here. Please note that you must use the “Strict Adherence to SIGS style” template option. Note that ACM uses 9-pt fonts in all conference proceedings, and the style (both LaTeX and Word) implicitly define the font size to be 9-pt. Please refer to the Publication chair's notes. Reviewing is single-blind and submissions should list author names on the front page. Please add a "Demo Abstract:" prefix to your title.
Due to the short interval between the notification of acceptance and the camera-ready deadline, we strongly encourage authors to follow the camera-ready formatting guidelines as closely as possible even for the initial abstract submission.
Abstract Submission Link: https://sensys25demos.hotcrp.comAuthors of accepted abstracts will deliver a 1 minute or less preview talk about the main ideas. How you use this one-minute presentation time is up to you. We will strictly enforce the 1-minute time limit. We encourage presenters to fill the minute to give the audience an overview of your demo. "Advertise" your demo so that people will want to come to see your demo. This type of event is always a lot of fun! You can be creative in your presentation too.
Submission Deadline: February 13th, 2025 23:59 AoE
Notification of Acceptance: February 27th, 2025 23:59 AoE
Camera Ready Submission: March 3rd, 2025 23:59 AoE