Call for Papers
The proliferation of smart devices, mobile applications, and IoT systems in our daily lives has created significant opportunities for a more efficient, productive, healthy, and sustainable society centered in short and long term human needs. To translate those opportunities into reality, we have seen increasing research attention from a number of disciplines. As human activity, behavior, and user experience become important factors in smart services and mobile applications, the research will bring a new focus on human-centered sensing, networking, and systems.The HumanSys workshop is intended to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners in related fields from academia, industry, and service providers, to share idea and experience related to human-centered technologies and applications. We are also interested in work that tries to understand the implications of human and user-centered focus on system design. For example, traditional hardware or software optimizations in memory, speed, and form-factor may no longer be sufficient for a system to be successful.Both visionary white papers and technical papers are encouraged. To that end, papers are solicited from all related areas, including, but not limited to the following topics:
- Activity and gesture recognition;
- Hardware/software for innovative human-centered applications, e.g., VR/AR.
- Hardware/Software design with wearable devices;
- Human behavioral big data;
- Human behavior learning and analytics;
- Human sensing and control;
- Health-Centric sensing and systems;
- Location based services and systems, e.g. localization, navigation, and tracking;
- Mobile affective computing;
- Protocol design and implementation of body area networks;
- Predictive control in human-intense mobile systems;
- Performance evaluation and deployment experience of human-centered systems;
- Security and privacy issues;
- User interface for mobile and embedded systems.