Accepted Demos
Towards Quantifying Activeness of Meeting Using a Smartphone
Akira Yoneoka (Aoyama Gakuin University), Yanan Wang (Aoyama Gakuin University), Niwat Thepvilojanapong (Mie University), Itaru Usami (Aoyama Gakuin University), Yoshito Tobe (Aoyama Gakuin University)
A Hardware Platform for Separating Energy Concerns in Tiny, Intermittently-Powered Sensors
Josiah Hester (Clemson University), Lanny Sitanayah (Clemson University), Jacob Sorber (Clemson University)
iMoon: Using Smartphones for Image-based Indoor Navigation
Jiang Dong (Aalto University), Yu Xiao (Aalto University), Marius Noreikis (Aalto University), Zhonghong Ou (Aalto University), Antti Ylä-Jääski (Aalto University)
AsthmaGuide: An Ecosystem for Asthma Monitoring and Advice
Ho-Kyeong Ra (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology), Asif Salekin (University of Virginia), Hee Jung Yoon (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology), Jeremy Kim (University of Virginia), Shahriar Nirjon (University of Virginia), David J. Stone (University of Virginia School of Medicine), Sujeong Kim (Kyungpook National University School of Medicine), Jong-Myung Lee (Kyungpook National University School of Medicine), Sang Hyuk Son (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology), John A. Stankovic (University of Virginia)
A Connection Oriented Mesh Network for Mobile Devices using Bluetooth Low Energy
Yaswanth Kumar Reddy (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Praneeth Juturu (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Hari Prabhat Gupta (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Pramod Reddy Serikar (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Shruthi Sirur (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Sulekha Barak (Samsung R&D Institute India-Bangalore), Bonggon Kim (Samsung Electronics)
A Smart Framework for IoT Analytic Workflow Development
Dibyanshu Jaiswal (Tata Consultancy Services), Pubali Datta (Tata Consultancy Services), Sounak Dey (Tata Consultancy Services), Himadri Sekhar Paul (Tata Consultancy Services), Tanushyam Chattopadhyay (Tata Consultancy Services), Avik Ghose (Tata Consultancy Services), Abhishek Singh (Tata Consultancy Services), Arpan Pal (Tata Consultancy Services), Arijit Mukherjee (Tata Consultancy Services)
Scalable Visual Codes for Embedding Digital Data in the Physical World
Frederik Hermans (Uppsala University), Liam McNamara (SICS Swedish ICT), Thiemo Voigt (Uppsala University & SICS)
KinVocal: Detecting Agitated Vocal Events
Asif Salekin (University of Virginia), Hongning Wang (University of Virginia), John Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Building Reliable Wireless Embedded Platforms using the Bolt Processor Interconnect
Felix Sutton (ETH Zurich), Marco Zimmerling (ETH Zurich), Reto Da Forno (ETH Zurich), Roman Lim (ETH Zurich), Tonio Gsell (ETH Zurich), Georgia Giannopoulou (ETH Zurich), Federico Ferrari (ETH Zurich), Jan Beutel (ETH Zurich), Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich)
PowerBlade A Low-Profile, True-Power, Plug-Through Energy Meter
Samuel DeBruin (University of Michigan), Branden Ghena (University of Michigan), Ye-Sheng Kuo (University of Michigan), Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan)
Bringing Down Wires in Vehicles - Interconnecting ECUs using Wireless Connectivity
Changwon Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Hoon Jeong (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Jaehong Ryu (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Byeong-Cheol Choi (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), JeongGil Ko (Ajou University)
RPL over Bluetooth Low Energy
Taeseop Lee (Seoul National University), Hyung-Sin Kim (Seoul National University), Myung-Sup Lee (Seoul National University), Saewoong Bahk (Seoul National University)
IAS: Information Analytics for Sensors
Soma Bandyopadhyay (Tata Consultancy Services), Arijit Ukil (Tata Consultancy Services), Chetanya Puri (Tata Consultancy Services), Arpan Pal (Tata Consultancy Services), Rituraj Singh (Tata Consultancy Services);Tulika Bose (Tata Consultancy Services)
Recognizing non-negative emotions based on physiological changes
Sinh Huynh (Singapore Management University), Youngki Lee (Singapore Management University), Rajesh Balan (Singapore Management University)
Towards Global Interworking of IoT Systems - oneM2M Interworking Proxy Entities
Jaeseok Yun (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), Sung-Chan Choi (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), Nak-Myoung Sung (Korea Electronics Technology Institute), Jaeho Kim (Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
Choco - A Versatile Communication Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yuki KATSUMATA (University of Tokyo), Makoto SUZUKI (University of Tokyo), Hiroyuki MORIKAWA (University of Tokyo)
Realtime detection for multiple occupancy and near real-time hogging detection
Nguyen Huy Hoang Huy (Singapore Management University), Rajesh Krishna Balan (Singapore Management University), Youngki Lee (Singapore Management University)
Distributed MaxRS in Wireless Sensor Networks
Muhammed Mas-ud Hussain (Northwestern University), Panitan Wongse-ammat (Northwestern University), Goce Trajcevski (Northwestern University)
Browsing the Web of Things with Summon
Thomas Zachariah (University of Michigan), Joshua Adkins (University of Michigan), Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan)
PolyPoint: High-Precision Indoor Localization with UWB
Benjamin Kempke (University of Michigan), Pat Pannuto (University of Michigan), Bradford Campbell (University of Michigan), Joshua Adkins (University of Michigan), Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan)
A Toolkit of Platforms, Sensors, and Software for Assembling the IoT Puzzle
Joshua Adkins (University of Michigan), Bradford Campbell (University of Michigan), Samuel DeBruin (University of Michigan), Branden Ghena (University of Michigan), Benjamin Kempke (University of Michigan), Noah Klugman (University of Michigan), Ye-sheng Kuo (University of Michigan), Deepika Natarajan (University of Michigan), Pat Pannuto (University of Michigan), Thomas Zachariah (University of Michigan), Alan Zhen (University of Michigan), Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan)
Glimpse - Continuous, Real-Time Object Recognition on Mobile Devices
Tiffany Yu-Han Chen (MIT), Lenin Ravindranath (Microsoft Research), Shuo Deng (MIT), Paramvir Bahl (Microsoft Research), Hari Balakrishnan (MIT)
Tethys – An Energy Harvesting Networked Water Flow Sensor
Holly Chiang (Stanford University), James Hong (StanfordUniversity), Kevin Kiningham (Stanford University), Jiaqi Xue (Stanford University), Laurynas Riliskis (Stanford University), Philip Levis (Stanford University), Mark Horowitz (Stanford University)
Where am I and where are the walls?
Patrick Lazik (Carnegie Mellon University), Niranjini Rajagopal (Carnegie Mellon University), Oliver Shih (Carnegie Mellon University), Bruno Sinopoli (Carnegie Mellon University), Anthony Rowe (Carnegie Mellon University)
User Support for Power Management of Continuous Sensing Applications
Chulhong Min (KAIST), Seungwoo Kang (KOREATECH), Chungkuk Yoo (KAIST), Youngki Lee (Singapore Management University), Sangwon Choi (KAIST), Pillsoon Park (KAIST), Inseok Hwang (IBM Research - Austin), Younghyun Ju NAVER Labs), Seungpyo Choi (KAIST), Junehwa Song (KAIST)
Posture Correction Using Smartphone-based Relational Intervention Model
Jaemyung Shin (KAIST), Bumsoo Kang (KAIST), Jinhan Kim (KAIST), Taiwoo Park (Michigan State University), Jina Huh (University of California, San Diego), Junehwa Song (KAIST)
Accepted Posters
Robust and Efficient Sensor-assisted Face Recognition System on Smart Glass
Weitao Xu (University of Queensland), Yiran Shen (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology), Neil Bergmann (University of Queensland), Wen Hu (University of Queensland, University of New South Wales)
Shonabondhu, a Sensing Middleware to Handle Flash Flood
Nova Ahmed (North South University), Mahmudur Rahman Khan (North South University), Minhaz Ahmed Syrus (North South University)
Exact all-terminal reliability analysis of bounded-degree networks with Tutte polynomials
Jae-Hyun Park (Chung-Ang University)
Accurate Vehicle Detection in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) using Wireless Magnetic Sensors
Fawad Ahmad (University of Engineering and Technology), Sahibzada Ali Mahmud (Sarhad University of Science and IT)
Power Spectrum Analysis of Reflected Waves with Ultrasonic Sensors Indicates "What the Target is"
Takanori Komatsu (Meiji University), Jun-ichi Akita (Kanazawa University)
An Online Approach for Gait Recognition on Smart Glasses
Yiran Shen (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology), Chengwen Luo (University of New South Wales), Weitao Xu (University of Queensland), Wen Hu (University of New South Wales)
L3: Vehicle Lane-Lavel Localization on Highways Using Smartphones
Zhichen Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Jianda Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Jiadi Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Yanmin Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Asynchronous Acoustic Localization using Commercial Devices
Jongtack Jung (Korea University), Kangho Kim (Korea University), Woonghee Lee (Korea University), Hwangnam Kim (Korea University)
ParkGauge: Gauging the Congestion Level of Parking Garages with Crowdsensed Parking Characteristics
Jim Cherian (Nanyang Technological University), Jun Luo (Nanyang Technological University), Hongliang Guo (Nanyang Technological University), Shen-Shyang Ho (Nanyang Technological University), Richard Wisbrun (BMW Group)
Non-invasive Human Activity Monitoring using a Low-cost Doppler Sensor and an RF Link
Yang Zhao (GE Global Research), Ting Yu (GE Global Research), Jeffrey Ashe (GE Global Research)
A Medium Access control Protocol for Full-duplex Wireless Information and Power Transfer
Shiho Kodera (Shizuoka University), Yoshiaki Narusue (University of Tokyo), Yoshihiro Kawahara (University of Tokyo), Takashi Watanabe (Osaka University), Shunsuke Saruwatari (Shizuoka University)
Maximizing Renewable Energy Usage in Buildings using Smart Energy Switching Platform
Qasim Khalid (Lahore University of Management Sciences), Naveed Arshad (Lahore University of Management Sciences), Jahangir Ikram (Lahore University of Management Sciences)
A Dynamically Switchable Scheduling System in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yoshiki Komachi (Keio University), Jin Nakazawa (Keio University), Hideyuki Tokuda (Keio University)
Solar-Powered Adaptive Street Lighting Evaluated with Real Traffic and Sunlight Data
Sei Ping Lau (University of Southampton), Alex S. Weddell (University of Southampton), Neil M. White (University of Southampton), Geoff V. Merrett (University of Southampton)
Enspect—Simplifying the Design of Energy Harvesting Systems
Nick F. Tinsley (University of Southampton), Stuart T. Witts (University of Southampton), Jacob M. R. Ansell (University of Southampton), Emily Barnes (University of Southampton), Simeon M. Jenkins (University of Southampton), Dhanushan Raveendran (University of Southampton), Geoff V. Merrett (University of Southampton), Alex S. Weddell (University of Southampton)
MICO: Model-Based Irrigation Control Optimization
Daniel A. Winkler (University of California, Merced), Robert Wang (University of California, Merced), Francois Blanchette (University of California, Merced), Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán (University of California, Merced), Alberto E. Cerpa (University of California, Merced)
CARLOC: Precisely Tracking Automobile Position
Yurong Jiang (University of Southern California), Hang Qiu (University of Southern California), Matthew McCartney (University of Southern California), Gaurav Sukhatme (University of Southern California), Marco Gruteser (Rutgers University), Fan Bai (GM Global Research & Development), Donald Grimm (GM Global Research & Development), Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California)
A Low-Power Sensing Method Using Linux Kernel on Android Devices
Masaru Takagi (University of Tokyo), Yoshihiro Kawahara (University of Tokyo), Tohru Asami (University of Tokyo)
An Indoor-Outdoor Navigation Service for Subway Transportation Systems
Xiaoqiang Teng (National University of Defense Technology), Deke Guo (National University of Defense Technology), Xiaolei Zhou (National University of Defense Technology), Zhong liu (National University of Defense Technology)
Data-Centric Task Scheduling for Battleship Island Monitoring
Kotomi Kuroki (Shizuoka University), Shiho Kodera (Shizuoka University), Narito Kurata (National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology), Takuji Hamamoto (Tokyo City University), Shunsuke Saruwatari (Shizuoka University)
Fair Scheduling for Energy Harvesting WSN in Smart City
Kai Li (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Chau Yuen (Singapore University of Technology and Design), Sanjay Jha (University of New South Wales)
Coordination of Wireless Sensor Networks using Visible Light
Ambuj Varshney (Uppsala University), Luca Mottola (Politecnico di Milano), Thiemo Voigt (Uppsala University)
Exploring the Need for Sensor Learning and Collaboration in IoT-based Parking Systems
Yu Huang (National Taiwan University), Kai-Lung Hua (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Dian-Xuan Wu (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Wen-Huang Cheng (Academia Sinica), Yi-Ling Chen (National Taiwan University), Chuang-Wen You (National Taiwan University), Chi-Ling Yang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Jane Yung-Jen Hsu (National Taiwan University), Seng-Yong Lau (National Taiwan University)
Toward Efficient and Secure Code Dissemination Protocol for the Internet of Things
Jun young Kim (UNSW), Wen Hu (UNSW), Sanjay Jha (UNSW), Hossein Shafagh (ETH Zurich), Mohamed Ali Kaafar (National ICT)
CountryRoads: Large-Scale Nationwide Ridesharing System
Weiwei Jiang (Tsinghua University), Chunxiao Jiang (Tsinghua University), Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Lin Zhang (Tsinghua University)
Were You in the Cafe Yesterday? Location Proof Generation & Verification for Mobile Users
Chitra Javali (UNSW, National ICT Australia), Girish Revadigar (UNSW, National ICT Australia), Wen Hu (UNSW), Sanjay Jha (UNSW)
Context-aware Adaptation Mechanism for Smart Resources: a RGBD Sensor case study
Eduardo Munera (Universitat Politècnica de València), Jose-Luis Poza-Luján (Universitat Politècnica de València), Manuel Muñoz (Universitat Politècnica de València), Juan-Luis Posadas-Yagüe (Universitat Politècnica de València), Juan Fco. Blanes Noguera (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Drone Can Find Lost Smartphones
Sunyong Kim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)), Yohan Kim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)), Sun Young Park (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)), Ryangsoo Kim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)), Hyuk Lim (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST))
Communicating “in the Air”– Studying the Impact of UAVs on Sensor Network Data Collection
Hoon Jeong (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Changwon Lee (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Jaehong Ryu (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), Byeong-Cheol Choi (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute), JeongGil Ko (Ajou University)
Model Predictive Control with Real-time Occupancy Detection
Alex Beltran (University of California, Merced), Alberto E. Cerpa (University of California, Merced)
Towards Robust Reprogrammability for Wireless Sensors
Nicole Tobias (Clemson University), Connor Bolton (Clemson University), Josiah Hester (Clemson University), Lanny Sitanayah (Clemson University), Jacob Sorber (Clemson University)
Energy Optimization Framework in Wireless Sensor Network
Niloufar P. Esfahani (University of California, Merced), Alberto E. Cerpa (University of California, Merced)
Cross-Layer Optimization for Low-power Wireless Coexistence
Anwar Hithnawi (ETH Zurich), Su Li (ETH Zurich), Hossein Shafagh (ETH Zurich), Simon Duquennoy (SICS Swedish ICT), James Gross (KTH)
Call for Posters and Demos
SenSys 2015 solicits submissions of both poster and demo abstracts in
reflecting on-going research progress and/or demonstrating working prototypes.
We are welcoming participations in broadly defined areas of interests (but not limited to)
: systems of smart sensors and actuators, brand-new applications of sensory devices, smart things,
and smart infrastructure, and the underlying research challenges in communication, networking,
energy and resources, data management, algorithms and machine intelligence, hardware designs,
and deployment on real environments.
Student participants will greatly benefit from the Posters and Demos session; it will be a lively forum to present their works and receive early feedback from international leading experts attending the conference. We explicitly encourage both local and international students to submit revolutionary concepts, path breaking ideas, and on-going research prototypes.
Major IT industry as well as local technology startups are also highly encouraged to participate. SenSys is an ideal venue to present the brand-new products, early prototypes, new development platforms, or even on-going crowdfunding projects of smart platforms and solutions that might innovate future applications and/or disturb today’s sensing and networking technologies.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on technical merit and innovation as well as their potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas. Authors of accepted abstracts will be given a one-minute slot in a “madness session” during the conference to present their work in front of the conference audience. As with previous editions of SenSys, the best poster and demo will receive an award.
All abstracts shall be formatted according to the main conference paper layout. Accepted abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library.
Submission Instructions
Posters and Demos must be submitted as a single PDF containing no more than 2 pages. The submission should be self-contained ready for publication, including the title, authors, institutional affiliations and contact information, abstract, main body, and references. Please DO NOT anonymize your submission. Upon acceptance, instructions for the final camera-ready abstract will be provided.
You may include links to additional online material such as videos. Links to videos showing the demonstration are especially encouraged. Videos of accepted posters/demos will be linked from the SenSys web pages and permanently included in the ACM Digital Library.
To submit a demo abstract, please add “Demo Abstract:” at the beginning of the manuscript’s title.
To submit a poster abstract, please add “Poster Abstract:” at the beginning of the manuscript’s title.
Template link for MS Word and LaTeX. (If LaTeX is used, please use ‘Option 2’)
To submit, send an email with your PDF attached to Make sure your email titled “SenSys poster submission” for a poster, or “SenSys demo submission” for a demo.
Important Dates
Submission: August 18, 2015 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance: August 21, 2015
Camera-ready abstract: September 7, 2015
For more information, please contact the Poster & Demo Chairs:
Rajesh Krishna Balan (Singapore Management University)
Inseok Hwang (IBM Research - Austin)
Seungwoo Kang (KOREATECH)