ACM SenSys 2009
SenSys is sponsored by SIGCOMM, SIGMOBILE,
Call for posters
The poster session will provide a forum for researchers to showcase their work and obtain feedback on ongoing research from knowledgeable conference attendees. Areas of interest are the same as those listed in the technical call for papers. While the poster need not describe completed work, it should report on research for which at least preliminary results are available. We especially encourage submissions by students (that is, for which a student is the first author on the poster).
Poster proposals must be submitted as a single PDF file with no more than 3 pages. The first two pages should contain an abstract describing the research content of the poster, along with title, authors, institutional affiliations and contact information. The third page should contain a thumbnail draft of the poster's contents. Please submit your poster proposal as a PDF e-mail attachment to
with the subject line reading "Sensys Poster Submission" before the deadline. Any questions for the Poster chairs may also be directed to this address.
The deadline for poster submissions is 11:59pm U.S. Eastern time, on July 24, 2009. Submissions will be reviewed, and authors will be notified of acceptance by August 14, 2009. Two-page poster abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings.
Authors of accepted poster proposals will have a chance to present the poster to interested attendees during a special poster session at SenSys. Well-crafted posters will tell the story well by themselves, but authors of posters are expected to be available to describe and discuss the work in the poster during the session.
The poster dimensions are 30" by 40", with poster contents mounted on rectangular poster board that we will provide. You may choose a layout consisting of individual sheets of paper, or a monolithic large piece of poster paper (which can be printed at document companies).